If you don’t consciously (and wisely) choose your words, you can’t manifest what you want.
One of The Four Agreements (by Don Miguel Ruiz) is “Be Impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity and honesty …”. When we don’t pay attention to this, we set ourselves up for either failure or struggle.
Here’s why it’s important to Choose Your Words Wisely.
Words are symbols. They represent things, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Words only represent, they do not define. For a definition, we depend on mostly unspoken agreements. Communication is about choosing words/symbols, throwing them out, and hoping that the receiver is similar enough in thinking that they get the idea. Think of a time you heard someone speak about an unfamiliar topic. Recall one or more words that they used that you didn’t understand. This is an example of the symbol coming to you without the proper frame of reference. Another example. Think of a time when someone used a word that you know and later found out they were using it with a different meaning. In this case, confusion resulted (at a minimum).
Conscious and Unconscious Communication
When we speak (or even think) communication takes place at both the conscious and the
unconscious levels.
At the conscious level, we use any assigned meaning (also known as intention).
At the unconscious level, the symbol is taken in as literal. In the United States, most people don’t
speak English, they speak American. One of the quirks of American vocabulary is that we can take any symbol and assign any meaning to it that we want. (a.k.a. slang). An example. Some may remember when the word “bad” was popularly used to indicate good/desirable/terrific/etc. I hear “bad” used in that context and I think “good.” My unconscious, however, assigns the literal meaning, creating an operating conflict of which I am not conscious.
When it comes to manifestation, the unconscious rules. Choose your words WISELY. How often have you tried to change and been unsuccessful? This is because your unconscious is holding a different vision than your conscious intention. One way to avoid this is to be precise with the words we use.
An example. Many years ago, when I was first learning to use affirmations, I developed a long, very
detailed statement of what I intended to manifest. After about three weeks, I met a woman who
absolutely met every single point of my intention. However, she wasn’t available. OOPS, how could I
not think of that (available and wanting the same things I wanted)? As I continued to work with the
affirmation, I ran into another challenge – deep in my unconscious there was an “I don’t deserve” belief.
If we want to be whole and have love, ease, joy, and abundance, we need to be authentic in our communication. That means choosing to be impeccable with our words, operating with integrity,
and being conscious.
When we are conscious, we can then choose our words WISELY.

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