Energy Medicine Basics

From a quantum physics perspective, everything is made up of energy. What appears solid is just that, appearance – all material matter is composed of atoms, and they are mostly space.

The nature of energy is to move and dissipate. Like a light bulb, the light flows outward and dissipates the further it gets from the bulb. When energy can’t move (i.e., bottled up) it causes problems. As human beings, we are basically composed of four energy systems/bodies – physical (our body), Mental (thoughts), Emotional (feelings) and subtle (everything else). Moment to moment as we have an experience, energy is being created in all four of these systems. That energy either moves and dissipates (is expressed) or it doesn’t. Our physical energy is mostly self-regulating. As soon as the stimulus “stops,” our physical body starts moving back to homeostasis. Same with our mental energy, when the situation is over, we stop thinking about it. (Yes, I can hear your thoughts about how that isn’t true – later.) If we would allow it, the same would be true with our emotional and subtle energy bodies.

When we don’t allow these energies to express, we begin creating dis-ease. A good example is what we refer to as “monkey mind.” You all know this one! Your mind won’t stop. It just keeps going over and over the situation, finding fault, creating new endings, blaming, etc. Result = no peace.

At it simplest, an energy medicine practitioner, assesses your energy pattern in general, clears/balances it, assesses your energy pattern in relation to the specific issue(s) being worked with, brings that pattern back into a state of free flow and balance, and then reassess to be certain the work is complete.

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