Being Present
Being present is one of the hallmarks of realization/enlightenment. When we are being present in the moment and acting with choice in alignment with our highest values, we make decisions based on what we are experiencing in the moment, our history, our desired outcome, our values, and how we want to show up in the world.
Rules take away almost all of that! Ridiculous you say? Where would we be without
rules? How would we function in the world? How would society function? Let’s take a
look at the whole picture.
First of all, I acknowledge that the reason we have so many rules is that most people
aren’t being present, thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate in their moment-to-moment
lives. When enough individuals act without these influences, the “whole” (read
authority) steps in and says, “OK, if you don’t behave on your own, we’ll make you. For
your safety of course.” So, with enough external enforcement, we get compliance,
a degree of safety, and some order. See Carmen, we need rules!
A Deeper Look
Let’s look deeper at rules and an unintended consequence. There are so many rules
government that we are supposed to follow. (Never mind the fact that they aren’t
consistent.) Then we have “society’s rules” – ever-changing and not written down
anywhere. We have rules in our religions and our spiritual practices, and (most complex of
all) we have our internal operating rules – conscious and unconscious.
rule takes precedence? How do I factor in the consequences of not keeping the rules?
Easier to simply give in and follow the rules – at least the one(s) most in my awareness
at the moment. So, there you have it – I defer to the rules which means I am not being
present. I am on autopilot. I react rather than choose.
My suggestion, let go of the rules. Go back to the first paragraph and let that be the
STARTING point for your decision making, what you express, and how.
Being Present – the core of spirituality, ascension, and realization. The way we discover reality
– both external and internal.
Come play with me.
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