Imagination – The Key To It ALL
If you haven’t already, please take 2 minutes and read Carmen’s Creation Story on the
Thoughts page. We have all worked with affirmations, vision boards, and a host of diverse
ways to bring forth what we want. They have worked ok for where we were when we
used them. We aren’t THERE anymore, so we need to do something different. After
all, if nothing changes, nothing changes!
So, I’m thinking that Creator (C) didn’t have a model in mind during the creation process!?
Having never been created before, there was no history to draw from, there were no ancient
writings to study, no picture books to refer to, and no internet to search for images. So, what
did C do, C imagined – not in pictures, not in words – but in broad strokes on what the
purpose of creation was to be. That IMAGE-ination went forth and I suspect that C was
a little surprised by what happened. Oh, WOW! Look what I created. Let’s see what
happens. And so began our journeys into and through experience.
Everything that you want to experience (be, do, have) gets created by that same
process. Want enlightenment? Utilize your imagination and Imagine it! Image it beyond words, beyond the biggest, highest, most profound image you can! Broad strokes! Allow your Self to explore
beyond the known. Invite the Master (voice of your wisdom) to help guide the process.
In Ascension, Enlightenment, and Realization (all the same thing) imagination is how we
will create what we want to experience. Guess what there are no books for YOU to
read, no internet searches for tools. There is only your intention and your image-ing.
So do it now, do it daily (or dozens of times a day). Do it beyond thought, beyond
knowing, far beyond what you think is possible. Broad strokes! Imagination is the Key.
Come Play with me!

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