Everything you are looking for is INSIDE, not outside, not in your mind, not in someone
else’s rules or thoughts, and definitely not in the “shouds.” It is all inside; within your
“AWARENESS,” not your “awareness.” Part of becoming fully realized is learning to
connect more to AWARENESS, so take daily time to go there.
Focusing Inside and Allowing Awareness
Start with quiet – a quiet place, with a calm body, a quiet mind (breathe, meditate, etc.), and
quiet emotions. Give yourself a moment to relax and become present. In that space, look at everything in your environment. What do you see? Pick something and ask yourself – What is it? Then remind yourself that it is made up of particles that are made up of energy. So, what are you really seeing?
You are seeing what your mind decides it is. Can you allow yourself to be aware of
that? Can you begin to allow yourself to “see” it as energy? Ask yourself, why can’t I
see that? “I know it to be true.” What stops me from seeing it as it really is?
The Inside Awareness of Two Realities
So, at one level you are “aware” that what you are “seeing” is not what it is, and, at
another level, you are still limited to seeing with your human senses. While that isn’t
going to change right away, you have to start with being aware of two realities – What I
see, and what I know it to be.
Then take that process to everything in your experience – thoughts, feelings, rules,
shoulds, etc.
Practice, practice, practice!
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