Along our unfolding path to realization of our true Spirit nature, we, from time to time, ask
ourselves “What’s Next?” Often, that isn’t exactly the way we phrase the question. It
could be: “OMG after that, what’s next?”; “That’s the last time, after all the work I’ve
done with that one, what could possibly be left?,” or “With all the work I’ve done, what’s
next has to be easier?”. There are, of course, a lot more versions of the question.
What’s your favorite? The one you use most?
It’s natural you say. Who wouldn’t want to know what‘s next? That my dear path
walkers is the trap! That’s your mind wanting to do some advance planning on what’s to
come to try to control what happens (or distract you). Wait! What’s wrong with
being curious? Nothing! However, the above questions don’t come from curiosity. Go
inside and listen to your tone and energy when you ask the question. Is it the
same tone and energy you have when you ask, “I wonder what’s on at the movies this
weekend?” I’ll bet not!!
Look behind you at the path you have walked. Likely, it’s not often that the next lesson
was exactly what you expected. (Unless, of course, you have been working rather
diligently at ignoring something.)
Check in! How much energy could you have saved if you just enjoyed where you are
and trusted that Spirit has it all in hand and will bring what you need when you need it?
When your world (inside or out) gets quiet, EN JOY it! Is it just a plateau after all?
You know, it may be just that. Or you could just give up learning lessons and agree to
simply experience what comes along until you are all through with it and then turn it
over to Wisdom. What freedom! Ease! (not necessarily easy.) Isn’t that what you are
really after?
Come Play With Me