The Path of What’s Next?
Along our unfolding path to realization of our true Spirit nature, we, from time to
Along our unfolding path to realization of our true Spirit nature, we, from time to
Bring our best spiritual self, and getting to enlightenment/realization can become a veryfocused task. However,
Seeing yourself as a Holy Trinity (and then KNOWING it) is an integral part of
Mental Health WARNING: Letting Go May Be Hazardous To Your Health!Oh Carmen, how can you
Being Present Being present is one of the hallmarks of realization/enlightenment. When we are being
One secret in moving into ascension/enlightenment/realization is turning experience into Wisdom. Our Wisdom (W) is
Imagination – The Key To It ALLIf you haven’t already, please take 2 minutes and
The key to happiness, enlightenment, . . . STOP thinking!Our thoughts are one of our
If you don’t consciously (and wisely) choose your words, you can’t manifest what you want.
To get what we want we have to say goodbye. We all want abundance, insight,
I, like most of you, was raised in a society that valued (and promoted) understanding
From a quantum physics perspective, everything is made up of energy. What appears solid is
Carmen Iacino MA, LAC, SEM, CPC
812 Grand Ave. Suite 207, Glenwood Springs CO, 81601
(970) 309-3779