Trinity and Self

Seeing yourself as a Holy Trinity (and then KNOWING it) is an integral part of full realization of our embodied Mastery/ascension. Along our journey to enlightenment and realization, we continually have to expand our concept of who we are. One level of this is to broaden the idea of Self from One. (Actually, I don’t know if there is any such thing as a “one” without parts, details, etc. – at least to our current mind). It expands our understanding by giving us a ”picture” that feels right ænD, at the same time, is slightly more than we can truly grasp. I propose seeing your Self as a holy threesome (Trinity), I AM Soul, Experiencer, and Wisdom. My Soul is an individual aspect of CreatorSoul, and is creator of my experiences (leading to realization); my individual creator. Experiencer is me (as I experience my Self) experiencing so that Soul (and CreatorSoul) continues to expand its awareness. Wisdom is the accumulation of all of my experiences throughout all lifetimes – past, now, and future. Wisdom stores the essence of my experiences, and it is available for Experiencer to draw on at will.

How does it work?
I am (Experiencer) has experience (that Soul has set up). It is up to me how long I take to fully experience it. I can turn it into patterns that I repeat over and over (even for lifetimes). When I am done, I release the totality of my experience to Wisdom. Wisdom (working with [Soul]) distills the total experience into wisdom and adds it to my total experience.
Now Soul creates something new for me to experience. It literally blows my mind when I try to grasp that Soul has set up perhaps several thousand of these scenarios for me to experience at any one time.
My free will allows me to hold on to any experience(s) for as long as I want. My preferred option is to Allow the experience in full so that I am finished with it and can move to the next one.
When we look at the graphic design presented in this article, we can observe what a grand design this Trinity is. Three aspects with the center representing I AM.

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series (Note: While the description is linear, you are not.)
Come Play With Me


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